
Em 2020 a Sonora foi convidada a participar do Festival Dystopie, em Berlim. A rede esteve envolvida especialmente em duas atividades do Festival: o simpósio Listening as a tool to blow out the bubble; e a mostra Brazilian Sound Art Showcase.

Symposium Listening as a tool to blow out the bubble

A Sonora apresentou o minidocumentário Listening and affection: the collective experience of building a feminist artistic community como parte do painel Politics of listening and community building.

Abstract: This presentation is about Sonora: músicas e feminismos, a brazilian collaborative network with five years of existence. Sonora gathers artists and researchers interested in feminist acts within the artistic field around the need of promoting dialogue and visibility on women’s work. Beyond locating Sonora’s pathway and describing its varied activities, this presentation is also a reflection on the power of listening and affection to build communities. The diverse feminist group has been extensively working weekly since it started, in 2015. Throughout elongated and open meetings full of conviviality and group experiencing, listening and affection have always played a crucial role. The presentation aims to picture and share some of Sonora’s different dynamics. Due to the plurality of its participants and activities, the presentation is supported by a video that assembles different voices, a collection of testimonials as a way of telling oneself. The video is a brief documentary that was done by the group, mixing member’s audio testimonials with images and audio archives, bringing along reflection about Sonora’s memory and resonance. It composes one possible collaborative narrative towards an auto-ethnography of the group. It reflects a collective experience of building a feminist artistic community.

Showcase Brazilian Sound Art

Em 2020 a Sonora integrou o corpo curatorial da Mostra de Arte Sonora Brasileira (Brazilian Sound Art Showcase) do Festival Dystopie, em parceria com Alexandre Fenerich e Laura Mello. A Mostra contou com 20 trabalhos expostos tanto em Berlim quanto na plataforma online do Festival. O corpo curatorial se colocou dois importantes desafios: espelhar a diversidade da sociedade brasileira em sua seleção de artistas, propondo a exibição de obras de outras regiões que não o eixo privilegiado da arte do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo; e fugir do circuito mainstream da arte sonora, propondo trabalhos que dialogassem outras disciplinas.

Artistas: Ana Emerich, Coletiva Uirapuru, Glerm Soares, Inés Terra, Janete El Haouli & Julio de Paula, Jeferson de Andrade & Nadia D’aló, Juçara Marçal & Cadu Tenório, Lílian Campesato, Lílian Nakahodo & Rui Chaves, Marcela Lucatelli, Mariana Bahia & Elissa de Brito, Mariana Carvalho, Marie Carangie, Milena Travassos, Paola Ribeiro, Paulo Dantas, Thaís Montanari, Thelmo Cristovam, Vanessa de Michelis, Waléria Américo.

Equipe Curatorial: Alexandre Sperandéo Fenerich, Laura Mello, e Sonora: música e feminismos (Valéria Bonafé, Lilian Campesato, Mariana Carvalho, Marina Mapurunga).